Improver Roadmap, Part 3 of 3: The Impact of a Coach
00:00:00 Kinzie Harvell
Hey guys, we are back.
00:00:02 Kinzie Harvell
This is Justin and.
00:00:04 Kinzie Harvell
Hello oh, and over the past couple of shows we've been talking about a three prong approach towards improvement.
00:00:12 Kinzie Harvell
Of course, is that this is the Improver network podcast, so that's our focus and so just as a review, the first part was over content.
00:00:23 Kinzie Harvell
The second was over community, and today we're really going to hit on coaching and how that's really just a good model for improvement, professionally and personally, and so just to begin with.
00:00:36 Kinzie Harvell
I wanted to talk about.
00:00:39 Kinzie Harvell
Maybe the difference between mentoring and coaching, and I'm going to let Justin describe that here in just a minute, but I know in my kids lives as far as sports have gone, they've had some really great coaches and one I'm thinking of right now was actually my son, hockey coach, and what was so great about him was the way he encouraged.
00:00:58 Kinzie Harvell
My son and then just some of the awards they gave out at the end and so of course my kid did great.
00:01:04 Kinzie Harvell
We all think our kids are the stars out there, but he recognized an inner strength in my son and so he actually gave him the heart award.
00:01:14 Kinzie Harvell
And what he said about him was, you know, this kid was coachable and he has the heart of an athlete and he gave 110% every time he was on the on the rink. And that really spoken to just building a.
00:01:28 Kinzie Harvell
For my son and as a mom, that's what you want a coach to see so.
00:01:33 Kinzie Harvell
And in in personally, in my own life, I've had several mentors that I've sought out or that have just kind of organically come into my life.
00:01:41 Kinzie Harvell
So just if you would, I've I've never had a life coach.
00:01:44 Kinzie Harvell
I've never had a coach who walked me through content and community and and just looking at all the different processes in my life and potential.
00:01:52 Kinzie Harvell
Tools so so help me understand the difference between mentors and coaches.
00:01:59 Justin Winstead
Yeah, well really a coach can be a mentor and a lot of mentors do go into coaching, but I think the main thing that when you want to kind of distinguish between a mentor and a coach is mentors usually come in and out of our lives.
00:02:12 Justin Winstead
And it's a very organic thing that happens.
00:02:15 Justin Winstead
It's someone that.
00:02:16 Justin Winstead
Is maybe an older, wiser person that we have a connection with and we're close to for a while.
00:02:22 Justin Winstead
But then maybe we're not as close to on that, or it's somebody that's in our industry or in our office and we really look up to them and they know things about the company or about our trade.
00:02:33 Justin Winstead
And so we look up to them as mentors and usually mentors.
00:02:37 Justin Winstead
We're poured generally into our minds and into our hearts so they can be encouraging, and they can be enlightening too.
00:02:44 Justin Winstead
And so these are closely tide with coaches 'cause coaches can do that.
00:02:47 Kinzie Harvell
Huh, hopefully that's yeah, what we're doing.
00:02:47 Justin Winstead
Coaches teach us, right.
00:02:49 Justin Winstead
They teach us.
00:02:50 Justin Winstead
The plays, I mean you were mentioned in your son's hockey coach and like he had to teach him the techniques and the plays and he also he pulled it.
00:02:58 Justin Winstead
You talked about the heart, you know he went in and touched the heart and so there is some overlap there.
00:03:03 Justin Winstead
But I think one of the differences between a coach and a mentor is a difference in organic and organized, and what you see is that.
00:03:10 Justin Winstead
Mentors generally come in and out, and they rise and fall based on maybe your life seasons that you're in.
00:03:16 Justin Winstead
Whereas a really good coach is going to be less reactive and they're going to be more proactive.
00:03:21 Justin Winstead
They're going to really be helping you to see where are you trying to go and how best to get there, and so it's going to be a more intentional process.
00:03:30 Justin Winstead
And because it is a process and it's habitual, many times people.
00:03:36 Justin Winstead
See greater measurable results working with the coach than they might with the mentor.
00:03:39 Justin Winstead
The mentor sometimes helps them to feel better, right?
00:03:42 Justin Winstead
And maybe even be more mentally and emotionally at rest and at peace and with the.
00:03:47 Justin Winstead
Boy, but maybe their production is not always as much as they're there, so a good player maybe has a mentor that they go rely on for general advice and encouragement, but the coach is the one that's really going to help them improve their stats, and they're on the field or on the court ability.
00:04:05 Justin Winstead
So that that's with athletes.
00:04:07 Kinzie Harvell
Yeah, So what I hear you saying is that a coach is going to see the goal and break it down into an organized, attainable steps and processes for you.
00:04:16 Justin Winstead
Yeah, very much so, and it's usually a coach is guiding you more on the positive side of things instead of sometimes reacting to the negative of what may.
00:04:24 Justin Winstead
Happen many mentors when you think about mentors in your life, a lot of them you got man.
00:04:29 Justin Winstead
I had a really low point and they were there to lift me out of that.
00:04:32 Justin Winstead
Or there was a conflict I had and I went to them for advice.
00:04:35 Justin Winstead
Or I had a situation I didn't know what to do and it was coming at me and I had to decide.
00:04:41 Justin Winstead
So mentors are really good at stepping into those roles and.
00:04:44 Justin Winstead
And some mentors again go back and forth with coaching, but coach.
00:04:48 Justin Winstead
Is what they do is, they say look we want to win the Super Bowl in order to win the Super Bowl.
00:04:52 Justin Winstead
We've got to win these games and were to win the games.
00:04:54 Justin Winstead
We got to get these points.
00:04:55 Justin Winstead
We gotta get these plays.
00:04:57 Justin Winstead
They really boil it all down to 1 yard at a time and they know how to get really into the details.
00:05:03 Justin Winstead
Really into the technique.
00:05:04 Justin Winstead
So if you run this play, they're going to call you out in real time.
00:05:08 Justin Winstead
That's the other thing about mentors is.
00:05:09 Justin Winstead
Sometimes they're on the outside kind of looking in.
00:05:12 Justin Winstead
And they're usually sometimes after the fact many times is when they get involved, whereas a coach is already there because they're engaged with you on a regular basis.
00:05:23 Justin Winstead
So they're seeing you run the play.
00:05:24 Justin Winstead
They're in the game with you.
00:05:26 Justin Winstead
They're watching this happen and they're going to help you course correct and really talk to you about which could have done a little bit different.
00:05:32 Justin Winstead
But there is a lot of overlap and you know we may use these terms a little bit interchangeably, but I would encourage anyone who is serious about improvement.
00:05:42 Justin Winstead
Whether you're saying you know what I want to be better, personally, some aspect of my personal life, whether.
00:05:47 Justin Winstead
Physical, marital, parental, emotional things like that or if it's professional and you're trying to grow in your career and become a master at your craft.
00:05:57 Justin Winstead
I want to encourage you to try to engage both of these relationships.
00:06:01 Justin Winstead
Find someone that you see as a mentor, that you really look up to, and you almost kind of idolize in a sense.
00:06:06 Kinzie Harvell
00:06:07 Justin Winstead
And you aspire to be and build more of a friendship with them, but then also have more of a coach in your circle as well.
00:06:15 Justin Winstead
That really helps you on that professional side and they are someone who is calling you out as a player and saying I want you to perform at your absolute best, does that.
00:06:24 Justin Winstead
Make sense, yeah, absolutely.
00:06:25 Kinzie Harvell
Really thank you.
00:06:27 Justin Winstead
Yeah, so that's really one of the things we want to convey to all the improvers out there listening, and whether you primarily identify as an improver or you've just got a little bit any of this, like man, I do want to be better today than I was yesterday.
00:06:39 Justin Winstead
Coaches can be a huge asset and a help to you in that they really help you to become stronger and so if we talked about.
00:06:47 Justin Winstead
The content helping you out in your head and really community helping you out in the heart.
00:06:51 Justin Winstead
You know the coaching really helps you out in the hands.
00:06:53 Justin Winstead
It's really the things that you're doing is what they are focused on.
00:06:58 Justin Winstead
And so there are some other benefits that I think we should run through and just kind of talk about all those, and so I know you've got a list of some of those.
00:07:05 Justin Winstead
So what are some of the things that are popping out to you on that list?
00:07:09 Kinzie Harvell
Well, a good coach will help you expand your comfort zone.
00:07:13 Kinzie Harvell
So maybe you think of yourself as I have to be the linebacker.
00:07:17 Kinzie Harvell
I'm built for that I know what to do in that position, but.
00:07:21 Kinzie Harvell
He sees that you could.
00:07:23 Kinzie Harvell
You could be an awesome quarterback and so he's going to draw that out of you and show you other strengths and.
00:07:28 Kinzie Harvell
Really push you.
00:07:29 Justin Winstead
Yeah, and you know what I really like about the way you kind of frame that as well is kind of going back to the mentor thing or just people who generally give us advice or wisdom or counsel is.
00:07:39 Justin Winstead
They usually prioritize the relationship.
00:07:41 Kinzie Harvell
00:07:41 Justin Winstead
First, where as a coach, one of the things they do is.
00:07:45 Justin Winstead
This is more of a transactional thing where they're really prioritizing their performance.
00:07:50 Justin Winstead
First, they're trying to prioritize the results 1st and so that means they're going to challenge you to get out of that comfort zone and to be more that you can be and help you to see things.
00:08:00 Justin Winstead
Things from another angle.
00:08:01 Justin Winstead
What else do you see on?
00:08:02 Kinzie Harvell
There well, I'm also looking at.
00:08:04 Kinzie Harvell
They empower you to develop good habits, so once again it's back to use the word intentional and so you know for a lot of us we say I have.
00:08:14 Kinzie Harvell
I want to do a.
00:08:16 Kinzie Harvell
I just don't know how to how to get there and so hopefully this coach is going to have some.
00:08:20 Kinzie Harvell
Experience in that field and they're going to say, you know, just a simple thing I did daily.
00:08:25 Kinzie Harvell
Was to spend 10 minutes in this area or it's just.
00:08:25 Justin Winstead
00:08:28 Kinzie Harvell
It's just one small move that you need to make.
00:08:31 Kinzie Harvell
That's going to have such a big effect on reaching your goal, so just developing good habits and not in an overwhelming way, just just small steps you can.
00:08:41 Kinzie Harvell
Take to reach your goal.
00:08:42 Justin Winstead
Yeah, and you mentioned a keyword in that about the good habits and that was empower you and one of the things that you'll find with maybe general counsel that you get from other people that you look up to is there's an encouragement.
00:08:54 Justin Winstead
Do good habits where they'll they'll try to you know, chat with you about.
00:08:58 Justin Winstead
Maybe you should do this, but it's usually a softer approach because again, the relationship is important, but it's very, whereas the coach is really going to say no.
00:09:06 Justin Winstead
Let me give you some empowerment here.
00:09:08 Justin Winstead
I'm going to hold you accountable to this.
00:09:10 Justin Winstead
Going to have.
00:09:10 Justin Winstead
A call or a meeting and then at this next practice or this next meeting.
00:09:15 Justin Winstead
We're going to see if you did the thing that you were supposed to do, and so it's just a stronger accountability to developing the habits, and some people really need that.
00:09:18 Kinzie Harvell
Right, there's accountability there.
00:09:24 Justin Winstead
More than others, some of you you've tried to start habits and then you do it for a little while and then you fall off the wagon.
00:09:29 Justin Winstead
You do it for a little while, fall off the wagon.
00:09:31 Justin Winstead
Well, some of you need to just get in a community and that may be enough for you.
00:09:35 Justin Winstead
That man, I've got some people holding me accountable in this community and I can stay on. But then there's others that even the community's not enough. You need a one on one person that really.
00:09:44 Justin Winstead
Is calling you out?
00:09:45 Justin Winstead
That's checking in on you and that is being that coach in that particular domain that you are trying to grow in and make progress in.
00:09:54 Kinzie Harvell
Yeah, another area is that a coach improves your ability to learn from your mistakes.
00:09:59 Kinzie Harvell
So I don't mean to keep going back to these football analogies.
00:10:03 Kinzie Harvell
I've never sat down and watched 3 hours worth of my mistakes and enjoyed it, but I know that there is purpose behind that and so showing showing the player that hey, when you did it this way it didn't work out the way you thought it did.
00:10:17 Kinzie Harvell
Let's go back and see what a better option would be.
00:10:20 Kinzie Harvell
So if we're speaking professionally, allowing a coach to come in.
00:10:23 Kinzie Harvell
And observe some of your processes and systems and say, hey, they're really not doing what you expected them to do.
00:10:29 Kinzie Harvell
You're not getting the product.
00:10:30 Kinzie Harvell
Pity that you wanted you're not really reaching your goals and This is why.
00:10:34 Kinzie Harvell
Let's learn from our mistakes.
00:10:36 Justin Winstead
Yeah, I think that is incredibly important, and in one of the businesses I've been a part of, we had to train in sales and these were over the phone sales in the insurance industry and many times I would get people to say man, you've done such a good job in your sales Justin, would you train me and coach me in that so so alright?
00:10:53 Justin Winstead
Well, let's sit down and let's hear some calls and well, I don't want you listening in in.
00:10:57 Justin Winstead
You know, and it's so hard their pride was getting in the way of the ability.
00:11:00 Justin Winstead
But it's the same thing.
00:11:01 Justin Winstead
It's basically like let's observe you play in real time so I can tell you where you need to.
00:11:06 Justin Winstead
Change and where your adjustments need to be, but if you're not willing to put those plays up on the screen and and watch those mistakes and it's hard, you know we don't like watching our failures in reviewing those and we don't like to listen to ourselves.
00:11:14 Kinzie Harvell
00:11:21 Justin Winstead
Usually on what we said or did like Oh my God, I just can't believe I I I made that blooper, or that.
00:11:26 Justin Winstead
Blender there, but it's so important that we re-evaluate it that we learn from it and then we move on.
00:11:33 Justin Winstead
Because the two extremes are that we never replay it, and so we're constantly moving on.
00:11:39 Justin Winstead
So we make the same mistakes over and.
00:11:40 Justin Winstead
Over or the other stream is, we just dwell on it all the time, right?
00:11:44 Justin Winstead
We beat ourselves up.
00:11:45 Justin Winstead
We never we.
00:11:46 Justin Winstead
We don't really call it out, but we just let it sit there under the surface and then it just gnaws at us like I'm such a failure because of things that say no, let me really just evaluate it.
00:11:56 Justin Winstead
What did I do wrong?
00:11:57 Justin Winstead
What can I do better next time?
00:11:59 Kinzie Harvell
And and sometimes we're not even willing to attempt it again, and that's where another way.
00:11:59 Justin Winstead
And let's go forward.
00:12:04 Kinzie Harvell
A coach can be super helpful as encouraging you to attempt it yet again and see if you can get it better this time.
00:12:08 Justin Winstead
Even after you.
00:12:11 Justin Winstead
I I definitely agree with that.
00:12:13 Justin Winstead
In fact, there is a book by I think her name is Kirsten Hadeed and it is permission to screw up and one of the things I love about that is 1.
00:12:19 Justin Winstead
Just the title is great, like hey, it's OK to make mistakes.
00:12:22 Justin Winstead
You're going to do that, but there was a word.
00:12:24 Justin Winstead
She put in the book called Feedforward and I thought that was really neat.
00:12:27 Justin Winstead
We implemented it on our team but it's the idea of feedback.
00:12:31 Justin Winstead
It's backwards looking.
00:12:32 Justin Winstead
It's usually blame oriented.
00:12:34 Justin Winstead
It's historical.
00:12:35 Justin Winstead
It's you know people trying to figure out who screwed up, who messed up, and so a lot of feedback kind of goes that direction where the word feedforward.
00:12:43 Justin Winstead
It's got the assimilation of look.
00:12:45 Justin Winstead
We're not really worried about all of what went wrong and what happened.
00:12:48 Justin Winstead
We don't have to rehash all the negative, but we need to learn enough about it that we can actually go forward.
00:12:53 Justin Winstead
And next time, here's how we can make it better, and so part of how you give yourself permission to make mistakes to screw up is you have that feedforward element built in, that's like.
00:13:03 Justin Winstead
So you know what I'm going to take this thing that happened and going forward I'm going to do this a little bit differently.
00:13:10 Kinzie Harvell
OII see a lot of connections here in our in our last episode about community, we talked about how you have to be willing to let people in and be vulnerable, so that's very similar to allowing a coach to come in.
00:13:24 Kinzie Harvell
So what does it take to what?
00:13:27 Kinzie Harvell
What kind of boundaries and permissions do you have to be?
00:13:29 Kinzie Harvell
Willing to give a coach.
00:13:30 Justin Winstead
Yeah, well, the coach really has to be able to see the full picture in order to be able to help you make those adjustments.
00:13:36 Justin Winstead
And so if you're presenting a partial picture or a false picture, they're going to be making recommendations based on that.
00:13:42 Justin Winstead
And so yeah, I do see this sometimes in coaching where.
00:13:45 Justin Winstead
People they want to put their best.
00:13:48 Justin Winstead
You know front forward and they want you to see the best image of themselves and then you think they've got certain strengths or they've got certain abilities because they said it or they projected it and then you make recommendations based on that and it doesn't go the way.
00:14:02 Justin Winstead
So a good coach will help discover that they'll actually help get people beneath the surface.
00:14:06 Justin Winstead
But it does require the person on the other.
00:14:08 Justin Winstead
Side to say you know what I am going to open up.
00:14:11 Justin Winstead
I'm going to let somebody see my numbers.
00:14:13 Justin Winstead
I'm going to let somebody listen to my calls.
00:14:15 Justin Winstead
I'm going to let somebody go to the gym and workout with me.
00:14:18 Justin Winstead
I'm going to let somebody ask me about the book.
00:14:21 Justin Winstead
I said I read and whatever the goal is, you're trying to get at having that coach that can hold you accountable and speak into that.
00:14:27 Justin Winstead
If you're real with them.
00:14:29 Justin Winstead
That's going to get you the results.
00:14:30 Justin Winstead
You won't.
00:14:31 Justin Winstead
It's almost like going to the doctor.
00:14:32 Justin Winstead
You know if you go to the doctor and he says, hey, what ailments are you having?
00:14:35 Justin Winstead
What are your symptoms and you lie about the symptoms he may prescribe you something based on what you said, and if you're toting their own things you may get.
00:14:42 Justin Winstead
The wrong prescription.
00:14:43 Justin Winstead
And it's not, that's right.
00:14:43 Kinzie Harvell
However, get at the root.
00:14:45 Kinzie Harvell
Of the problem.
00:14:45 Justin Winstead
So you've got a lot more.
00:14:47 Justin Winstead
We want to talk about this idea of coaching, but let's pause here for a quick break.
00:15:15 Kinzie Harvell
Hey, and we're back and so during the break just now, we're having a little bit of conversation and an idea that came to my mind is that most of the time a coach is able to see some hidden strengths, and they're able to utilize that on the team for success and for the team as a whole to be victorious so.
00:15:34 Kinzie Harvell
Justin, would it be fair to say that a life coach can kind of do the same thing and pull out hidden strengths?
00:15:41 Justin Winstead
Yeah, absolutely, that's one of the things as a life and business coach I enjoy most is helping people discover part of where their strengths really are.
00:15:48 Justin Winstead
Many times people have a blind spot to their real strengths.
00:15:51 Justin Winstead
In fact they maybe know a little bit of their competency or strength area, but that's usually not their ultimate strength.
00:15:57 Justin Winstead
Usually their ultimate strengths and talents are so natural to them, and so innate.
00:16:02 Justin Winstead
That they really don't even notice that their strengths and they're kind of ignoring them because they think.
00:16:06 Justin Winstead
That it's so natural they think everybody has that right.
00:16:10 Justin Winstead
And so I love to come alongside people and help them.
00:16:12 Justin Winstead
In fact, you know, we actually did that with you a little bit, right?
00:16:16 Kinzie Harvell
You, you've done that for me in the in the working genius is I.
00:16:19 Kinzie Harvell
I always thought everybody was excited to finish and and really pushed towards the end and see a goal accomplished.
00:16:26 Kinzie Harvell
I never realized that it was a strength of mine.
00:16:28 Kinzie Harvell
For tenacity.
00:16:30 Kinzie Harvell
Sachin actually.
00:16:31 Kinzie Harvell
Just to be completely honest, I almost saw it as sometimes.
00:16:34 Kinzie Harvell
Maybe it was a little bit annoying just to constantly push towards the goal, but after realizing that I do see it as a strength and I'm willing to give that up myself now.
00:16:43 Kinzie Harvell
More naturally, when I'm when I'm in a group or on a team.
00:16:46 Justin Winstead
Yeah, for sure.
00:16:47 Justin Winstead
And for those of you aren't familiar with what we're talking about in this is Patrick Lencioni and the table group rolled out the six types of working genius, and we'll have to do a whole podcast on that in the future, 'cause it's definitely worth it.
00:16:57 Justin Winstead
But six types of work, ingenious and short, is an assessment that an individual.
00:17:02 Justin Winstead
Take and it will help them reveal what they're working.
00:17:05 Justin Winstead
Geniuses, competencies, and frustrations are.
00:17:08 Justin Winstead
There's six of them.
00:17:09 Justin Winstead
Everybody has two of the geniuses.
00:17:11 Justin Winstead
Two of the competencies and two other frustrations, and so the key on that is is realizing what your genius areas are, and that's kind of going back to the identifying the talents of the players on the team.
00:17:22 Justin Winstead
Help drive towards victory and so a good coach should be excellent at helping people to identify those.
00:17:29 Justin Winstead
And for your case in particular, you had that genius of tenacity and now that you see that you can really channel that and it makes you more productive in your endeavors.
00:17:37 Justin Winstead
And so yeah, good coaches should be able to.
00:17:39 Justin Winstead
To help with that.
00:17:41 Kinzie Harvell
Well, in going along side of that, a good coach might be able to tell you, hey, let others do the other jobs that they're great at as well and allow you to see where you can.
00:17:51 Kinzie Harvell
You can learn from somebody else.
00:17:54 Justin Winstead
And you know one things I love about the working genius as it talks about.
00:17:56 Justin Winstead
You've got a competency, but that's not the same as your genius.
00:17:59 Justin Winstead
And sometimes we're good at.
00:18:01 Justin Winstead
Things that aren't.
00:18:02 Justin Winstead
The things we're great at.
00:18:03 Justin Winstead
And yeah, a good coach to your point, you can say hey focus on what you're great at this thing that you're good at that you're holding on.
00:18:09 Justin Winstead
You need to let that one go.
00:18:10 Justin Winstead
Let somebody great at it.
00:18:11 Justin Winstead
Then you're going to be extra great together 'cause you're both doing.
00:18:14 Justin Winstead
What you excel at.
00:18:14 Kinzie Harvell
And it's not going to drain you of all of your energy so that you can pursue what you need to pursue.
00:18:20 Kinzie Harvell
Because if you're just good at something and it doesn't refuel you, then don't waste all your time and energy on that.
00:18:25 Kinzie Harvell
But you may not be able to see that.
00:18:27 Justin Winstead
Without a coach, absolutely well one of the other things I wanted to mention about coach is that I think is just really great at our ability.
00:18:35 Justin Winstead
If Coach is operating in a productive way is they can take what's on the inside and really help to bring it out into real life.
00:18:42 Justin Winstead
You know, in this three part series we talked about how to improve.
00:18:45 Justin Winstead
And really, that first step of improvement is something that anyone can take individually on their own, which is just go out and start getting content, right?
00:18:52 Justin Winstead
They can go out and make the decision today that I'm going to put good content in the second one requires a little bit more work, but they can go out and start building a community on around them that will help reinforce the values that are important.
00:19:05 Justin Winstead
Keep them on mission.
00:19:06 Justin Winstead
Re energize them, and so it requires a little bit more work.
00:19:09 Justin Winstead
But this third one, both of those two things, were dealing with the head and with the heart and with the emotions and the inside.
00:19:16 Justin Winstead
But what a coach does, it takes all of that other progress that you're making, and it helps to bring it out into the real world.
00:19:22 Justin Winstead
How does this come out in your performance?
00:19:25 Justin Winstead
How does it come out in the way that you're actually acting and what you're doing and what you're accomplishing?
00:19:30 Kinzie Harvell
And that's how we say it's the hands part, yes, so how does the improver network serve improvers in this area?
00:19:36 Justin Winstead
Yeah, so, uh me.
00:19:38 Justin Winstead
As a coach example and we have other coaches that are a part of our network.
00:19:42 Justin Winstead
We will come alongside our improvers and we'll help them to identify those strings.
00:19:46 Justin Winstead
We'll help them to, you know, see what their talents are, and really recognize their true potential in it.
00:19:52 Justin Winstead
We're going to come alongside them in real time as they're trying to accomplish certain things, and we're going to say, hey.
00:19:56 Justin Winstead
See the reason you didn't accomplish that at the level you want to accomplish 'cause you made this error.
00:20:01 Justin Winstead
We're going to help highlight those blind spots.
00:20:03 Justin Winstead
We're going do it in a systematic way.
00:20:05 Justin Winstead
We're also going to be able to take tried and true programs and tried and true principles of how to make anyone better and how to improve any situation.
00:20:14 Justin Winstead
And we can walk alongside with people, so we do that.
00:20:16 Justin Winstead
Through group coaching at the Improver Network or we jump on calls, we share goals and we give input.
00:20:22 Justin Winstead
We also do it through one.
00:20:24 Justin Winstead
One coaching, so that's So what we do.
00:20:26 Justin Winstead
We do it through book clubs, so part of our coaching is is we read books together and then we discuss those in a plot.
00:20:30 Kinzie Harvell
Apply it.
00:20:32 Justin Winstead
We do it through special workshops.
00:20:34 Justin Winstead
Some of these are online.
00:20:35 Justin Winstead
Some of these are in person, but we really give people the information they need, but a workshop is not just about information that would be a seminar or presentation.
00:20:44 Justin Winstead
The workshop is about taking the information and working on it and doing something, and so the coach were able to come along and help our members.
00:20:51 Justin Winstead
To do that, so I'd say those are some of the biggest areas, as our events you know or online group coaching and our one on one coaching evaluation.
00:21:00 Justin Winstead
We also provide resources on our coaching level.
00:21:02 Justin Winstead
This is our flat level of membership and some of those resources only include books and extra content.
00:21:07 Justin Winstead
It also includes the full focus planner by Michael Hyatt.
00:21:11 Justin Winstead
And so, uh, coaches.
00:21:11 Justin Winstead
And say, hey, let's use this planner to help you with your goals, and then we're going to make sure that your daily and weekly actions are lining up with what you're trying to accomplish in your goal.
00:21:22 Justin Winstead
So really, I think the improver network is an all in one solution, especially if you can go up to that flock level and join us.
00:21:29 Justin Winstead
You're going to be getting content.
00:21:30 Justin Winstead
You're going to be getting community, and you're going to be getting coaching.
00:21:34 Justin Winstead
That is going to help you to be the best version of yourself.
00:21:37 Kinzie Harvell
Right and I just wanted to.
00:21:39 Kinzie Harvell
Say you know we.
00:21:40 Kinzie Harvell
We kind of think about well, what if I just don't do it?
00:21:43 Kinzie Harvell
What if I just ignore this and don't do it and I I would say I've never heard anybody say.
00:21:48 Kinzie Harvell
I'm so glad I I never I, I'm so glad I didn't hire.
00:21:51 Kinzie Harvell
Coach before now what I have heard is I wish I would have done this sooner, so the sooner you can do it the better.
00:21:59 Kinzie Harvell
And having to coach alongside you to be organized and intentional.
00:22:03 Kinzie Harvell
And I just wanted to point out to you that some people this full focus planner, you know you're writing down your goals.
00:22:09 Kinzie Harvell
You're also hearing the voice.
00:22:11 Kinzie Harvell
Of a coach, you're also visually seen where you can go, so we're hitting all the areas of learning and all the different ways that somebody can improve.
00:22:19 Justin Winstead
Yeah, and when you think about learning on a simplest form, I think it's a three step process, it's exposed.
00:22:25 Justin Winstead
Then it's understanding, and then it's application.
00:22:28 Justin Winstead
And really, if you look at our head heart hands approach, the head is just the exposure part of learning.
00:22:33 Justin Winstead
The community really helps you to bring it into a true understanding.
00:22:36 Justin Winstead
It becomes a part of who you are emotionally, but a coach comes alongside and really helps you to apply it.
00:22:41 Justin Winstead
It is the application piece to it.
00:22:44 Justin Winstead
I know one of the coaches that has poured into my life is Brian Flanagan.
00:22:48 Justin Winstead
Brian Flanagan was really good friends with Zig Ziglar.
00:22:51 Justin Winstead
Wenzig was still alive and Brian has encouraged me a lot of different ways.
00:22:55 Justin Winstead
He's got some really great writings out there, including a book about sale.
00:22:59 Justin Winstead
But when I met with him as I was thinking about launching this network, I was sharing some struggles emotionally that I was having.
00:23:06 Justin Winstead
But one of the things he just called out him, and he said, Justin, you know, you feel like you're being selfless by holding this in because you want to wait till it's perfect and that would be the more generous thing to do is to wait till it's perfected.
00:23:19 Justin Winstead
But he said you've got things right now that people need and you can share it and you're actually being selfish.
00:23:25 Justin Winstead
You're being greedy by holding this stuff in and not sharing it with the world.
00:23:29 Justin Winstead
And it was such an encouragement to me, and that's something.
00:23:32 Justin Winstead
Being that I've read books and you know I've been around people but no one looked into my exact situation and said right now in this moment you're being greedy and the selfless thing to do is to put yourself out there.
00:23:43 Justin Winstead
Be willing to make a mistake.
00:23:44 Justin Winstead
Be willing to embarrass yourself.
00:23:45 Justin Winstead
Be willing to try and fail, but you got to get out there and start giving today, and that was such an encouragement and from that point.
00:23:52 Justin Winstead
Board is like man.
00:23:52 Justin Winstead
Let's just start start putting things in action and so that's the power.
00:23:56 Justin Winstead
Of a coach.
00:23:57 Kinzie Harvell
Yep, he sounds like the perfect coach.
00:23:57 Justin Winstead
Is their ability to speak life into your situation and help you to apply what's in your mind and in your heart they'll bring it out and.
00:24:04 Justin Winstead
Help you to actually act on.
00:24:06 Kinzie Harvell
On it yeah, so Justin where can we go to find out more?
00:24:10 Kinzie Harvell
And how do we?
00:24:10 Kinzie Harvell
How do we get connected with you?
00:24:12 Justin Winstead
Yeah for sure.
00:24:12 Justin Winstead
So if you want to go check me out on my coaching side you can go to improver coach, it'll show you some of the certifications that I have.
00:24:19 Justin Winstead
Some of the programs that IOFFER, but we would really encourage you to also just join us as an improver network member, and you're going to get a lot of those things just built into the membership, and so improver network, WWW dot.
00:24:32 Justin Winstead
Improver network you can go on there and see the different levels of membership.
00:24:37 Justin Winstead
Right now we're in our founding members launch phase, and so we're actually putting memberships at 75% off just to encourage people jump on.
00:24:45 Justin Winstead
Now this is a lifetime discount, so if you get in now, as long as we're doing this thing, you're going to be locked in at that lower rate.
00:24:52 Justin Winstead
But we only have a certain amount of memberships at each of those levels, and then they're going to go to 50%.
00:24:57 Justin Winstead
Often 25% off than regular price, so it'll never be this slow again, so really want to encourage you to go jump on and we would love to welcome you into the flock, especially if you're a believer and you're saying you know what I'm trying to balance my personal life and my productive life, you know?
00:25:13 Justin Winstead
Trying to get my focus in order, I'm trying to balance things and I'm just really struggling and I would like someone like minded to come along with me, provide content, provide community and provide coaching.
00:25:24 Justin Winstead
Then you're the right fit for us and we would love to have you become a part of the improver network.
00:25:29 Justin Winstead
So this wraps up our three part series on improvement.
00:25:33 Justin Winstead
Even if you don't become a member.
00:25:34 Justin Winstead
I hope that you will take these three areas of, you know, enlightening and educating the mind, really encouraging the spirit and the heart and going on and getting some type of coach that can help.
00:25:45 Justin Winstead
To equip you to be your best, those three things are important for your journey of improvement, and we hope that you will stay good and keep getting better until next time.
00:25:55 Justin Winstead
See ya.
00:25:55 Justin Winstead
See ya.