Choose to Win - Interview w/Tom Ziglar

Get to know Tom Ziglar - son of Zig Ziglar, CEO of Ziglar, Inc. and author of best-selling books including "Choose to Win" and "10 Leadership Virtues for Disruptive Times."

00:00:06 Justin

All right, well, welcome to the Improver Network Podcast Mr Tom Ziegler.

00:00:12 Justin

I'm your host, Justin Winstead, and we've got our listeners tuning in and we're so excited to have you with us today.

00:00:18 Justin

Thanks for joining us.

00:00:19 Tom

Thanks for having me Justin.

00:00:21 Tom

I'm excited to be here.

00:00:22 Justin

Yeah, we are super excited to have you.

00:00:24 Justin

There's a lot of people that know that you're recording this week and they say, man, we can't wait for the episode to be published.

00:00:30 Justin

And so we're really anxious to get this and get it, uh, fine tuned and sent out because I know.

00:00:36 Justin

That this next little bit of time that we spend together is going to be really helpful and encouraging to someone and so excited about you being able to share with us today.

00:00:47 Justin

I know you've been an inspiration to me and the whole Ziegler incorporated.

00:00:51 Justin

Just company and framework has been impactful and so I'm glad that we're sharing that.

00:00:56 Justin

Just with more people.

00:00:58 Tom

Awesome awesome. Well I'm excited.

00:01:01 Justin

Yeah, well, what I want to do is I'm gonna start out this section of the podcast.

00:01:04 Justin

Just get getting to know you a little bit.

00:01:05 Justin

I mean, I know you some, but there's some people tuning in that may know of you, but let's just kind of connect a little bit and learn a little bit more about who Tom Ziegler is now.

00:01:15 Justin

Now a lot of people are probably familiar with Zig Ziglar, and they're like wait Ziglar, I recognize that name and so you're the son of Tom Ziglar.

00:01:25 Justin

I mean sorry Zig Ziglar and I just can't imagine what it would have been like growing up with Zig Ziglar as your father.

00:01:33 Justin

And so I'm so curious like.

00:01:35 Justin

About one of your favorite childhood memories. Growing up with Zig's dad.

00:01:41 Tom

Well, I tell you what you know.

00:01:43 Tom

I get that question a lot.

00:01:45 Tom

You know what was that like and I can tell you that he was better off stage than he was on stage so.

00:01:51 Justin

Wow, that's saying something.

00:01:54 Tom

So most people remember and recognize him from his speeches and maybe listening to his audio programs.

00:02:02 Tom

Reading his books, but I remember him and Mom just as.

00:02:08 Tom

People you just want to be around just sincerity they cared.

00:02:12 Tom

Dad was very intentional about everything that he did.

00:02:17 Tom

He was kind of an introvert off the stage and he loved his family and so he's you know, he was just thrilled whenever the family was around.

00:02:29 Tom

Kind of my favorite memories.

00:02:30 Tom

They all kind of go back to one place with Dad and that was on the golf course.

00:02:33 Tom

We he loved golf.

00:02:35 Tom

There was nobody more passionate about playing golf and dad was and we played a lot of golf together and it.

00:02:43 Tom

Was always fun and.

00:02:45 Tom

The only time he was that.

00:02:45 Justin

Was he good?

00:02:47 Justin

Was he good?

00:02:48 Tom

It was good, I mean.

00:02:50 Justin

Yeah, he was good though he was a good golfer.

00:02:52 Tom

Well, when we first started playing, I would say he shot in the high 80s, low 90s and then you know we played until he was a hit late 70s and so that that score went down just a little bit over.

00:03:04 Tom

Or I should say the score went up because it's golf, right?

00:03:09 Tom

But yeah, we we just had so much time, so much fun playing golf.

00:03:14 Tom

And the only time he was happier with a good shot that he hit was when I hit a good shot.

00:03:20 Tom

So it says a lot, right?

00:03:23 Tom

You know you can tell a parent when they get more excitement out of their kids doing well, so that was just a just a great memory and and we we had golf trips that we went on together.

00:03:35 Tom

And you know, we we just had some.

00:03:37 Tom

We played in tournaments together so that time just comes back.

00:03:41 Justin

That is, that's incredible.

00:03:42 Justin

I love how affectionately you speak of them.

00:03:45 Justin

Even you know when we get older, many times we think highly of our parents.

00:03:49 Justin

We realize how much wiser they were than we originally thought, but it sounds like even as a child you had that admiration and respect.

00:03:57 Justin

Did that?

00:03:58 Justin

Did they go through your teen years as well?

00:04:00 Justin

'cause usually teenage years?

00:04:02 Justin

Is where there's especially rub with mom and dad.

00:04:06 Tom

You know, I.

00:04:06 Tom

I was twelve when I really started playing golf and then the older I got, the more excited I got about it.

00:04:13 Tom

So we kind of had this bond around golf that you know that interfered with the normal teen things of you know teenagers wanting to find their own way and they know best and all that stuff.

00:04:27 Tom

I probably did have some of that in me, like most people do.

00:04:31 Tom

But it never grew to the extent that it got in.

00:04:33 Tom

The way of.

00:04:34 Justin

Our golf, so that's incredible, and I probably had a lot to do with just his positivity, right?

00:04:38 Justin

You know, positive energy.

00:04:40 Justin

Breeds positive energy and it's contagious, so that's fantastic.

00:04:44 Justin

Well I want to you to share with us a funny story.

00:04:48 Justin

Maybe it was really funny at the time, or maybe it wasn't so funny then, but now you look back and laugh on it.

00:04:53 Justin

But what's one of those family stories that you look back on and you're like, man, that was that that was funny.

00:04:59 Tom

Well, Dad was a prankster and he liked to do little pranks and.

00:05:06 Tom

So one of the things that he would do is we would go eat at Luby's Cafeteria.

00:05:12 Justin


00:05:13 Tom

I was raised and weaned at Luby's, so for those of you who don't know what a Luby's cafeteria is.

00:05:19 Tom

It's a famous kind of southern place.

00:05:21 Tom

It was all over.

00:05:22 Tom

Dallas had a bunch of locations and you go down the cafeteria line.

00:05:25 Tom

You get your food.

00:05:26 Tom

And you sit down and the they, you know they they bring you tea and all that good stuff.

00:05:32 Tom

And so a lot of times I would be with a friend and the friend would come with us to go to Luby's Cafeteria.

00:05:38 Tom

And Dad would be very deliberate in making sure they got whatever they wanted.

00:05:46 Tom

And when you're a teenager or 12 or 13 in that age, what you usually wanted included dessert.

00:05:52 Justin

Yeah, right?

00:05:53 Tom

And so we would all sit down at the table and the dad would do something distracting.

00:05:59 Tom

And then he would hide the guests dessert, whatever it was.

00:06:03 Tom

And I had so many friends they would search everywhere for 'cause they.

00:06:07 Tom

Knew they'd gotten.

00:06:08 Justin

It it's right.

00:06:11 Justin

Oh man, that's, uh, that's fine there.

00:06:14 Tom

And so those pranks just continued on, and it was just dads, little little humor that he did and and kind of I don't do the same things.

00:06:23 Tom

But I do make faces and all of our family pictures so.

00:06:26 Justin

Yeah, OK.

00:06:29 Justin

All right man, that is tons of fun there.

00:06:31 Justin

Well kind of on the opposite end of the spectrum when you think about just your personal life and it doesn't have to be from when you as a child.

00:06:37 Justin

This could be just any time, but when you think about a time when you just failed or really struggled or man, it just was a tough time.

00:06:47 Justin

Who comes to mind and what did you learn from that?

00:06:49 Tom

Yeah, well, I talk about this in the book.

00:06:52 Tom

Choose to win I I became the the President and CEO of the company when I was 30.

00:06:59 Tom

So Dad was out speaking and traveling and I was basically doing the day-to-day operations.

00:07:04 Tom

You know, making sure everything was running and.

00:07:08 Tom

When I was 33 I had this brilliant idea of how we could grow our business and it and it really meant starting a separate business on. You know, one that ran parallel.

00:07:19 Tom

And it was going to go after a new market, a market that we had a ton of experience with.

00:07:24 Tom

A huge following in that arena.

00:07:27 Tom

And we were going to sell to that and create a direct sales force at the same time.

00:07:33 Tom

And we did all the research.

00:07:35 Tom

Dad was behind it, but it was really my idea.

00:07:37 Tom

I was spearheading that.

00:07:39 Tom

And we launched that and it had a great start.

00:07:43 Tom

And then it just fizzled.

00:07:44 Tom

And a year later we had to.

00:07:45 Tom

Shut it down.

00:07:47 Tom

And we ended up two and a half $1,000,000 in debt because of that.

00:07:53 Tom

So so so I went to bed every night thinking that dad had spent his whole life building his reputation and it had taken me less than a year to crater it.

00:08:04 Tom

And the whole time Dad never lost his.

00:08:07 Tom

Uh, you know positive outlook.

00:08:09 Tom

He always told me, hey, this is going to be OK.

00:08:12 Tom

Don't worry about it.

00:08:14 Tom

And meanwhile I'm carrying all this worry.

00:08:18 Tom

All this baggage I'm.

00:08:20 Tom

I don't know if you ever had a Nokia flip phone.

00:08:22 Tom

But it was.

00:08:24 Tom

They have a very distinctive ring to him.

00:08:28 Tom

And so this is like how long ago was this?

00:08:31 Tom

Like 50 this.

00:08:32 Tom

Was two 2001 2002 1001 is when this happened so every day.

00:08:39 Tom

For like a year I would get to the office at 7:30, close my door and then the cell phone would start ringing.

00:08:48 Tom

And it was people wanting to know when we were going to pay him.

00:08:55 Justin

Those are phone calls are not fun to get, are they?

00:08:58 Tom

No, and when they're relentless.

00:09:02 Tom

And and from Dad I keep hearing hey this is going to be OK.

00:09:05 Tom

This is going to work out.

00:09:06 Tom

It did, but I remember leaving work one day, probably three or four months into this.

00:09:15 Tom

And one of my best friends.

00:09:16 Tom

His name is Bruce Bar where he reached out.

00:09:18 Tom

He just called me so on the way home my phone rings again.

00:09:22 Tom

I'm like hello and it's Bruce and he says.

00:09:27 Tom

So how's it going?

00:09:28 Tom

And I said not so good.

00:09:29 Tom

It's been another hard day.

00:09:30 Tom

He goes.

00:09:31 Tom

Well tell me about it.

00:09:32 Tom

So I told him about it and he said.

00:09:35 Tom

Did you take every phone call?

00:09:38 Tom

And I said yes.

00:09:40 Tom

He said, did you tell him the truth on every call?

00:09:43 Tom

What you could do, and what you couldn't do, and I said yes.

00:09:47 Tom

And he said, well then you need to leave that behind, because do you think God is happy with that?

00:09:55 Tom

And I said, yeah, I think he probably is, since I did everything I could, he said, yeah, you need to leave that behind.

00:10:01 Tom

Go home and enjoy your family.

00:10:04 Tom

And that was kind of a turning point, uhm?

00:10:07 Tom

In that.

00:10:09 Tom

Process because you know it wasn't.

00:10:12 Tom

An integrity issue or or morality issue, or anything that got us into that situation.

00:10:18 Tom

It was.

00:10:19 Tom

It was just a bad business decision.

00:10:22 Tom

Yeah, and we had a lot of supporters who thought it would be a home run, but it was.

00:10:27 Tom

Is it?

00:10:28 Tom

And so we ended up.

00:10:28 Tom

We worked through all that God worked.

00:10:31 Tom

God does what God does and and we were able to pay off that debt and.

00:10:36 Tom

You know Dad was right, but it just made me realize that a.

00:10:40 Tom

Lot of times.

00:10:41 Tom

We get into situations that we don't understand that we have very little control over and really all we can do is all we can do.

00:10:48 Tom

And as long as we're doing that.

00:10:50 Tom

With integrity telling the truth, then you know the creators happy so.

00:10:57 Justin

Man, that is a fantastic lesson.

00:11:00 Justin

I know a lot of the people who are listeners of our podcast.

00:11:03 Justin

They identify as an improver and part of the idea of an improver is that we're always wanting to make things better.

00:11:08 Justin

We're always wanting to improve.

00:11:10 Justin

We want to see things maximize their potential.

00:11:12 Justin

So we have a very forward thinking.

00:11:15 Justin

We want things to be better, right and?

00:11:17 Justin

That's just not the way life always is.

00:11:19 Justin

Sometimes you aim to make something better and then in that particular chapter.

00:11:23 Justin

It actually makes it worse, and that can be a struggle for a lot of us and then just you sharing that story I think is very encouraging just to remember that like hey, in your in your ambitions and in your mission to try to make the.

00:11:35 Justin

World a better place.

00:11:37 Justin

We're going to stumble, and we're going to fail.

00:11:39 Justin

And I know a few years ago it seemed like everything I was touching was turned into gold and I was like, man, I'm just like winning at this whole life thing like I'm just like doing.

00:11:49 Justin

And then it hit me, though at some point after that season that I looked back and I, I realized that the reason everything I was doing I was winning at is because I wasn't taking any real risk.

00:12:00 Justin

I wasn't really trying anything meaningful at that point, and so I was doing safe stuff, so I was winning at all the safe stuff, but at the point when I said you.

00:12:09 Justin

Know what I'm going to try to do?

00:12:11 Justin

Some things that are tough but that are going to be meaningful and purposeful.

00:12:15 Justin

I had some victories and those are very sweet but also ended up having some failures too.

00:12:19 Justin

And so some of you out there, you're playing it too safe, and so you're not really having these failures.

00:12:23 Justin

Like Tom was talking.

00:12:24 Justin

Well, but then some of you you're failing and you're beating yourself up and I love your story.

00:12:29 Justin

'cause it's an encouragement to.

00:12:31 Justin

Yeah, focus on what you can control and the inputs and let the outputs land where they may.

00:12:37 Tom

So yeah, one of my takeaways from that season was, you know whether it's a win or progress or improving.

00:12:46 Tom

I kind of come all back to it's about growth.

00:12:52 Tom

Right, and so we might be going through a dry season, but our roots, our roots are going deep 'cause they have to right?

00:12:59 Tom

They have to.

00:13:00 Tom

Which is going to give us.

00:13:01 Tom

That additional support in the foundation when we grow again and then the wind comes right 'cause we got to be rooted.

00:13:09 Tom

And it's hard to see that in the middle of that storm.

00:13:13 Tom

And I think Dad was just looking at me from his, you know, 60 plus years of experience at that point, saying yeah, he's.

00:13:23 Tom

This is just a money.

00:13:24 Tom

Storm, don't worry about it.

00:13:26 Justin

It's gonna be alright man.

00:13:26 Tom

I'm like.

00:13:28 Justin

Love it, that is fantastic.

00:13:29 Tom

It I still haven't.

00:13:31 Tom

I still haven't gotten to that point of no worry like he was.

00:13:35 Justin


00:13:36 Justin

Yeah, well, so it sounds like your friend spoke just some life into your world and just that was a paradigm shift for you and so that was very along the same lines, though if you can think back to a compliment that you've received or some affirmation, and it sounds like your dad was very affirming, but maybe even from someone else, what's a great compliment?

00:13:57 Justin

That you've received.

00:13:59 Tom

There's a.

00:14:00 Tom

There's a couple that you know.

00:14:01 Tom

I was thinking about this.

00:14:02 Tom

There's a couple that kind of stand out.

00:14:06 Tom

One of them I was just starting my speaking career.

00:14:11 Tom

And I went to speak, and there was about 500 people there. It it was. It was a great room and every gremlin known to man happened.

00:14:23 Tom

The short of it is is I had a PowerPoint and normally I like to plug in my computer and they said no.

00:14:29 Tom

Why don't you put it on this disk and or on the USB and then we'll put it on ours 'cause it was their thing and so they did and I went to check it.

00:14:39 Tom

And the first five slides were perfect.

00:14:42 Tom

Right and then I I get into my talk and about the 10th slide in they were the same slides but they were out of order.

00:14:51 Tom

I have no idea what happened, they got scrapped.


Oh cool.

00:14:56 Tom

Table and so it was just a, you know, a 30 or 40 minute keynote.

00:15:01 Tom

And so the thing you gotta remember is when you're doing that, the room has no idea, right?

00:15:07 Tom

Unless you let them know that something is going on.

00:15:11 Tom

And so I just proceeded on and I told my story and the story I told was.

00:15:17 Tom

That in my journey when I was in college, I wanted to be a professional professional golfer like on the PGA Tour.

00:15:25 Tom

And that didn't work out, and I told that story and when I was done I come off and I'm like well.

00:15:32 Tom

You know that didn't go the way I wanted it to, but I think it went OK based on what was going on in my head.

00:15:38 Tom

With all these slides popping in from these different directions.

00:15:42 Tom

And so I was signing some books and I'm talking to this guy.

00:15:47 Tom

And I said.

00:15:48 Tom

What do you think?

00:15:50 Tom

And he said.

00:15:52 Tom

The world has enough professional golfers.

00:15:56 Tom

I'm glad you're doing what you're doing, it's.

00:15:58 Justin

Nice yes.

00:16:02 Tom

So he had no idea of the story that was going on in my head, right?

00:16:07 Tom

And so it's funny how a sincere compliment at.

00:16:13 Tom

At the right time makes a lot of difference, another one.

00:16:17 Tom

Was I got done speaking and my daughter was.

00:16:23 Tom

Gosh, I think she was like 18 or 19 so this is seven or eight years ago. She's 27 now. Whatever that is, I heard her tell my wife.

00:16:34 Tom

Hey, he's getting pretty good, isn't he?

00:16:36 Tom

And she she doesn't know, she said dads getting dads pretty good, isn't he?

00:16:41 Tom

So when you can keep your teenage daughters attention, that was a good.

00:16:48 Tom

That was a good compliment.

00:16:50 Justin

Oh man, that is fantastic and wonderful.

00:16:53 Justin

I appreciate that, you know.

00:16:55 Justin

I'm picking up Justin the fuel stories that you're telling me now, and I don't want to project this on you.

00:17:00 Justin

But again, speaking to our improvers that that listen in one of the things we talk about often is the impostor syndrome.

00:17:07 Justin

And just this, these these voices that kind of go and start play in our head and and I know you're really big on making sure you're getting the right content.

00:17:15 Justin

In, and you're speaking the right things in do is that something that you feel like it is just a universal thing that people and I don't know.

00:17:23 Justin

I don't want to say you struggle with this like I have.

00:17:25 Justin

I know a lot of our improve our network.

00:17:26 Justin

We just talked about that impostor syndrome is a real thing and we get.

00:17:30 Justin

To tell telling ourselves stuff that is like you're not capable, you're not worthy.

00:17:34 Justin

You're not good enough.

00:17:36 Justin

It sounds like that you've had at least some of that.

00:17:38 Justin

Uhm, over your lifetime, right?

00:17:41 Tom

Oh yeah, uh, I think everybody does, you know, as you climb the ladder if you get more successful then all of a sudden you breakthrough to a new level or you get, uh, a different kind of account or or all of a sudden your business.

00:17:56 Tom

You know it.

00:17:57 Tom

It turns profitable and then it gets more profitable and you're like you know where's the where's the Pete person pulling the rug out from under me, right?

00:18:07 Tom

You just.

00:18:08 Tom

And so that that that happens to all of us when I when I first started speaking.

00:18:15 Tom

People wanted me to speak.

00:18:17 Tom

I didn't want to speak.

00:18:18 Tom

You know, I had the greatest speakers in the world on our team and my job was to prepare a stage for them to go and speak.

00:18:24 Tom

And but they said, no, you got something to say.

00:18:26 Tom

So the first few times I went out, I got great feedback.

00:18:30 Tom

But man, my stomach was just turning.

00:18:33 Tom

Like you know I didn't lie.

00:18:35 Tom

I mean, it was just.

00:18:37 Tom

Gut wrenching right?

00:18:39 Tom

And so I had to.

00:18:41 Tom

Put myself in the corner, right?

00:18:43 Tom

You've ever set.

00:18:43 Tom

Yourself in the corner.

00:18:45 Tom

And I said what's going on and and So what I told myself.

00:18:51 Tom

Was that everybody wanted me to speak like my dad.

00:18:57 Tom

Well, there's only one zig Ziglar.

00:18:59 Tom

Nobody can speak like him.

00:19:02 Tom

And I started thinking, well, where did I hear that from?

00:19:04 Tom

Nobody told me that.

00:19:05 Tom

But my dad certainly didn't tell me that.

00:19:09 Tom

And so then I realized that I needed to change myself talk, which was, hey, you've got to be the person God created.

00:19:17 Tom

You to be right.

00:19:18 Tom

You've got to take your gifts and talents.

00:19:20 Tom

Your personality.

00:19:22 Tom

You've got to elevate your nerd.

00:19:23 Tom

'cause I'm a big time nerd.

00:19:25 Tom

On the inside.

00:19:25 Tom

You know what I mean and go with your gifts.

00:19:29 Tom

And then from a preparation, and from a principle and values perspective.

00:19:35 Tom

Those are things you can control, right?

00:19:37 Tom

Those are like we all have control over how much we prepare to some extent right?

00:19:42 Tom

I mean, there's there's exceptions to that, but.

00:19:45 Tom

I said let let that you know, live up to you know, live the same principles and values and prepare like your dad.

00:19:51 Tom

But be yourself, that was a very freeing.

00:19:55 Tom

Position that's when the majority of that impostor situation went away.

00:20:00 Tom

And then I've spoken on big stages with, you know, well known speakers who command a lot of money and have a huge following, and it's really easy to say.

00:20:13 Tom

Hey wait.

00:20:14 Tom

Am I supposed to be up here?

00:20:16 Tom

But at the same time, it's instantly met with 'cause now I've got the self talk.

00:20:21 Tom

No, there, they can't be you, you you you reach a certain individual, a certain group in a certain way with a certain message.

00:20:30 Tom

And nobody can deliver it like you can. So your only responsibility is this is what I learned from Dad. Your responsibility is to speak God's truth and love.

00:20:40 Tom

That's it, you prepare and you speak God's truth and.

00:20:42 Tom

Love and you know.

00:20:45 Tom

That's where it ends, and so that's really helped me.

00:20:48 Justin

One of the things you just reminded me of is really that Paul speaks of this, and sometimes people confuse his words on the be all things to all people, and so we assume that we've got to be.

00:21:01 Justin

We got to be everything and so we've got to be able to reach every single crowd.

00:21:04 Justin

But that message was not to an individual, it was to a group of people who said.

00:21:08 Justin

Hey, as the believers you guys need to try to be all things to all people, but in other parts he says some of you have these giftedness.

00:21:16 Justin

Some of you have these talents and we need to work together.

00:21:19 Justin

Everybody doing what they were gifted and blessed with the ability to do.

00:21:24 Justin

And we're all doing our job.

00:21:25 Justin

It fits together where we're being all things to all people, and we're really making things happen.

00:21:30 Justin

But I was confused about that for a while and I thought, well, if I've got to be everything I've got to be able to reach this group of people.

00:21:37 Justin

And I got to be able to do this kind of thing and I love what you're saying. Which is, you know, God's giving you a purpose to reach a certain group of people.

00:21:44 Justin

He's blessed you with certain gifts and you just got to use those you can't.

00:21:48 Justin

You can't be everybody else.

00:21:50 Justin

Be your own self so.

00:21:51 Justin

I love I love that.

00:21:52 Justin

So this is a little bit of myth busting going on here and you had to do some myth busting in your own mind on this and the way you're thinking about it.

00:21:59 Justin

What about myth busting for what maybe how people?

00:22:03 Justin

How they view what you do, are Ziegler incorporated?

00:22:07 Justin

What are some things that you find that there's a little bit of a misconception or misunderstanding?

00:22:11 Justin

Or just a false belief that people have about you guys or.

00:22:15 Tom

You yeah, and I'll kind of.

00:22:17 Tom

I'll share with you just a couple of thoughts on that in our industry, which is personal development success.

00:22:27 Tom

That genre you know?

00:22:29 Tom

Norman Vincent Peale, Les Brown, Paul Harvey, Tony Robbins.

00:22:34 Tom

There's a there's a bunch of people in that industry.

00:22:36 Tom

Jim rohn.

00:22:38 Tom

They have all come along and there's a really common quote, and that quote says this.

00:22:45 Tom

If your mind can conceive it, and you can believe it, then you can achieve it.

00:22:53 Tom

And Dad did not believe that, and I don't either.

00:22:56 Tom

And the reason is is he gives the example.

00:22:59 Tom

It's the famous Shaquille O'Neal example.

00:23:03 Tom

Shaquille O'Neal could could conceive that he was going to be a Kentucky Derby winning jockey right that could that could enter his mind like, yeah, I could do that and then he could believe it with all of his heart.

00:23:18 Tom

But there's no.

00:23:19 Tom

Way that if Shaquille O'Neal gets on the fastest horse that's ever run the Kentucky Derby.

00:23:25 Tom

That he's gonna win that race, right? Just just like me at 57.

00:23:31 Tom

I'm not going to go tryout for the Dallas Mavericks and make the team.

00:23:36 Tom

My you know my speed my 2 inch.

00:23:38 Tom

Vertical leap all.

00:23:39 Tom

Of these things by my 59 ish.

00:23:44 Tom

Hi, these are all preventative things that no matter how much I can conceive it and believe it, I'll achieve it.

00:23:51 Tom

And So what happens is when you.

00:23:53 Tom

When you follow that path and it doesn't happen.

00:23:58 Tom

The end of that road is despair, right?

00:24:02 Tom

Wait a second, that's not a.

00:24:05 Tom

That's not a realistic position to be in.

00:24:09 Tom

Well then the the 2nd.

00:24:12 Tom

Kind of side of that is, well, what do we then believe?

00:24:16 Tom

This is what we believe and that is.

00:24:17 Tom

This is that until you can conceive it, not if you conceive it, but until you can see that and believe it.

00:24:25 Tom

Then you have no chance of achieving it.

00:24:29 Tom

OK, So what does that mean? It means that you've got to see the possibility and then you look at your knowns and God's unknowns, right? You look at the possibility. Then you work towards making that happen.

00:24:42 Tom

And so that gives you the freedom to go out and develop something that God's given you, and to do it to the best of your extent.

00:24:50 Tom

Does it guarantee your success?

00:24:53 Tom

Well, no, it doesn't guarantee your success, but unless you believe that way, the impossible is not going to be made possible.

00:25:01 Tom

So here's kind of the tie down story on that dad's mentor was Fred Smith. Fred was the wisest man that I ever met.

00:25:10 Tom

And Fred, he passed away about 13 years ago.

00:25:15 Tom

Now he was in his 90s.

00:25:18 Tom

The last years of his life were very difficult.

00:25:20 Tom

He was on kidney dialysis.

00:25:22 Tom

His health was very poor.

00:25:24 Tom

And he spent the better part of that last year flat on his back.

00:25:28 Tom

And his daughter Brenda took care of him in and for like six months of that.

00:25:33 Tom

She'd literally had to turn him over to take care of him.

00:25:37 Tom

He could.

00:25:37 Tom

His mind was completely there, but his body was just gone.

00:25:43 Tom

And so he passed away, and we go to his memorial service.

00:25:46 Tom

Well, they played a video that Fred made a couple of months before he passed away.

00:25:51 Tom

It's like it's like he knew the time was.

00:25:53 Tom

Near and he starts off with. Well, I guess I've got everybody's attention. I mean, just classic humor.

00:26:01 Tom

And then he says.

00:26:03 Tom

Many people have asked me because he was the mentor to the CEOs of the Fortune 500 he worked with so many nonprofit charities leaders and he was on their boards.

00:26:14 Tom

He's kind of the guy behind the scenes you never heard of, right?

00:26:17 Tom

He just knew all these people.

00:26:18 Tom

And every week for years he did this thing called breakfast with Fred and people would come from all over and have breakfast with him.

00:26:25 Tom

Well, at the end of his life they would end up in his house and he would sit in his bed and he would tell a story or or give him some wisdom and then they would ask questions.

00:26:34 Tom

So on this video he says.

00:26:37 Tom

Many people have asked what's the biggest lesson in life that I've learned?

00:26:43 Tom

And he said, I only learned it in the last year.

00:26:46 Tom

He said here's what I learned.

00:26:47 Tom

He said I would, I.

00:26:48 Tom

Would wake up in the morning.

00:26:50 Tom

And God will have laid something on.

00:26:53 Tom

My heart to do.

00:26:55 Tom

And he said here I am flat on my back.

00:26:58 Tom

I can barely open my eyes.

00:26:59 Tom

I can't even turn over and I would negotiate with God as to why I wouldn't be able to do that.

00:27:04 Tom

Why I didn't have the strength to do it.

00:27:08 Tom

And then he said, when you negotiate with God, you always lose.

00:27:13 Tom

And he said, after a while negotiation he would call Brenda in and then he would dictate to her the message God had given him.

00:27:22 Tom

That's that, was his purpose in life at that time was to was to to dictate messages of wisdom that could.

00:27:29 Tom

Help other people.

00:27:31 Tom

And he said, this is when I learned the message.

00:27:33 Tom

The biggest the the biggest thing I learned in my life and that is this.

00:27:39 Tom

When God lays something on your heart to do, your only responsibility is to just start.

00:27:46 Tom

And the reason is this.

00:27:50 Tom

That doesn't give you the strength to overcome.

00:27:54 Tom

He gives you the strength while you're overcoming.

00:27:59 Tom

And so I think a lot of times you know we have these big dreams.

00:28:02 Tom

These big visions, and that perfectionistic.

00:28:05 Tom

I'm going to remove all the risk I'm going to learn everything I can.

00:28:09 Tom

I'm not going to start until the sun and Moon aligns and all the days are perfect and I've got a 20 year security fund.

00:28:17 Tom

Over here, right that that never happens.

00:28:20 Tom

If it's truly a calling and this is a quote that I have your your calling is not meant to fit who you are.

00:28:31 Tom

But who God created you to become?

00:28:34 Tom

And so I think we've got to take that that idea that.

00:28:40 Tom

Until we can until we can conceive it and believe it.

00:28:44 Tom

And then we go after it.

00:28:46 Tom

There's no chance of achieving it, right?

00:28:48 Tom

So we gotta go after it.

00:28:50 Tom

And if it's truly a calling.

00:28:53 Tom

If God is going to get the credit God deserves, he's going to give you what you need in the middle of the journey, not before you start.

00:28:57 Justin

That's right.

00:29:02 Tom

Because I've looked in the mirror, I know me and I'm going to take credit for it.

00:29:06 Tom

If I could do it on my own.

00:29:08 Tom

And if I get to take credit for it, then it's not big enough.

00:29:12 Justin

Yes man, that is a great word.

00:29:14 Justin

Well, thank you for sharing that time.

00:29:16 Justin

Well I see what I wanted to do right now.

00:29:17 Justin

Let's pause for a quick break, and then after we get back from the break, we're going to talk about some challenges that you're facing.

00:29:23 Justin

Maybe right now in your company or just in the industry and some of the changes going on.

00:29:28 Justin

And also we wouldn't want to hear.

00:29:29 Justin

Some maybe productivity hacks and tips.

00:29:32 Justin

A lot of our people want to be very efficient, and we'll talk books and just a lot more.

00:29:37 Justin

So excited to connect a little bit more after this break.

00:29:39 Justin

But let's pause for a quick minute.

00:29:47 Justin

Alright, welcome back to our listeners.

00:29:49 Justin

Still here with Tom Ziegler.

00:29:51 Justin

And then we're just having a great time here in all kinds of cool stories and getting good advice.

00:29:57 Justin

I know anytime we do an event with our improver network, we have three main objectives.

00:30:01 Justin

We always want people to be educated, we want.

00:30:04 Justin

To enlighten them with some kind of information that helps them think differently, we want to encourage their hearts and just lift their spirits, and then we want to equip them with something that they can.

00:30:13 Justin

Take and do and implement to make a life business whatever better, and so I'm already gathering those three things from what we've done so far on the podcast being enlightened, encouraged and equipped.

00:30:24 Justin

So as we kind of continue that theme, we'd love to hear we're in the personal growth, success, improvement, kind of industry.

00:30:33 Justin

Along with you and I kind of observing a few things, but I'm curious from your perspective.

00:30:39 Justin

What are the biggest challenges that maybe you're facing right now, specifically within Seglar?

00:30:43 Justin

Or maybe just in the broader industry as a whole?

00:30:50 Tom

Yeah, I think there's a couple of challenges in the industry or when you just boil it down to.

00:30:57 Tom

If you're called on to coach or mentor or advise someone.

00:31:04 Tom

Some of the cultural things that are going on the the first one is noise and.

00:31:12 Tom

There's so much noise out there, it's like 24/7 whether it's social media, the news, all the things you know, our texts from, the moment we wake up until the moment we go to bed or text is is just. It's lit up or at work. When does it start? When does it end?

00:31:32 Tom

You know with the pandemic and so many more people working, either full time, remote or hybrid.

00:31:39 Tom

Uh, there's different people have really changed.

00:31:43 Tom

In general, their overall perspective of life.

00:31:47 Tom

It used and this is, uh, this to me, this is fantastic.

00:31:51 Tom

The majority of Americans they used to put their work in the center of their life and then they let the rest of life revolve around that.

00:31:59 Tom

And now with all the things that have happened and more and more people working flexible schedules.

00:32:06 Tom

They've lost loved ones and friends.

00:32:09 Tom

Uh, collectively we've.

00:32:11 Tom

We've had people go through this, so they want their life to matter, right?

00:32:16 Tom

They they, they wake up and they go.

00:32:19 Tom

Hey, is this what I was built to do?

00:32:21 Tom

Right am I making a difference and and and so because there wasn't necessarily intentionality on the path they went on, so they're stepping back.

00:32:33 Tom

So what are they prioritizing now?

00:32:34 Tom

They're they're prioritizing their quality of life.

00:32:37 Tom

They're prioritizing the time they spend with their family.

00:32:41 Tom

A lot of people are prioritizing their health and and the things that that make life rich.

00:32:47 Tom

And so that there's this conflict between I want my life to matter.

00:32:52 Tom

And then there's all this noise that comes in.

00:32:56 Tom

And then we're seeing a real polarization.

00:32:59 Tom

Uh, culturally between the left and the right.

00:33:04 Tom

And then there's a quote that I'm really searching.

00:33:08 Tom

As to, you know, what do we do?

00:33:10 Tom

You know?

00:33:11 Tom

How do we be a light in the darkness?

00:33:13 Tom

How do we?

00:33:14 Tom

Because I believe more people are hungry for the truth now than ever because they know that things are right, but they don't know what is right because the noise is not sending them.

00:33:24 Tom

The truth.

00:33:25 Tom

Yeah, right?

00:33:26 Tom

I mean it's just a hard thing.

00:33:28 Tom

And so I came up with a a quote the other day.

00:33:31 Tom

And and here's the quote and it says this that that humility.

00:33:37 Tom

Is the taproot of wisdom?

00:33:41 Tom

And so when we think of leadership.

00:33:44 Tom

Has anybody ever said you know?

00:33:46 Tom

What I want I.

00:33:47 Tom

Want to a?

00:33:48 Tom

Charismatic, super intelligent, great communicating, brave and courageous fool.

00:33:55 Tom

To be my leader, nobody ever said that.

00:34:00 Tom

But we never hear about wisdom, right?

00:34:02 Tom

It's like, you know, in all the discussions for the next governor, the next President, the next CEO.

00:34:09 Tom

It's not like they get on a panel and somebody asks them, well, how do we know you're wise?

00:34:13 Tom

I mean, it's like you never even hear the wisdom work.

00:34:17 Tom

But don't we need wise leaders right now?

00:34:22 Tom

And so I started thinking.

00:34:23 Tom

Well where does wisdom come from?

00:34:28 Tom

Humility is the taproot of wisdom.

00:34:31 Tom

So in a plant.

00:34:33 Tom

Or a tree.

00:34:34 Tom

The taproot that's the root that seeks the water, right?

00:34:37 Tom

It's the route that goes from the nutrition.

00:34:40 Tom

It's really seeking the truth right in a spiritual context.

00:34:43 Tom

It's the taproot is speaking the truth so humility.

00:34:47 Tom

He is never assuming that I know all the answers that I've, that that my position is always right, and you're always wrong.

00:34:57 Tom

Humility understands that when you talk to somebody you know less than 2% of who they.

00:35:03 Tom

Are I mean we know such a fraction of their journey and what they've been through?

00:35:08 Tom

And so he mulat humility, allows us to be kind to be respectful to, to really care about somebody else, to be selfless in our response to them, to willingly hear what they have to say in his leader.

00:35:25 Tom

You know when we get removed from the people on our team are people on our team.

00:35:29 Tom

They're the ones who know the.

00:35:30 Tom

Answers and if we have the opposite of humility, if we're arrogant or prideful or self-righteous, that means that they know it's a waste of their time to come tell you what they know.

00:35:42 Tom

And so here's the kind of that.

00:35:45 Tom

Sequence there we want wise leaders.

00:35:49 Tom

But it's hard to tell if someone wise, right?

00:35:53 Tom

Because how do you get wisdom?

00:35:55 Tom

Well, it takes experience.

00:35:58 Tom

Well, how do you get experience? Well you you start a business and then it goes. You have to close it down two and a half million years later two and a half $1,000,000 later.

00:36:08 Justin

Yeah right, yeah, right yes, it's.

00:36:10 Tom

A it's a heavy price to pay to to get some wisdom right, and so when we see somebody who's wise, sometimes it's hard to say.

00:36:19 Tom

Are they really wise?

00:36:20 Tom

Because they've all got those decisions they wish they could do over.

00:36:24 Tom

So then the next question is this.

00:36:28 Tom

Are they humble?

00:36:32 Tom

And if they're humble.

00:36:34 Tom

Then leak look further right bigot.

00:36:36 Justin


00:36:38 Tom

If they're not humble.

00:36:40 Tom

Keep looking.

00:36:43 Tom

Right, because right now, in a very polarized divisive.

00:36:49 Tom

Situation that we're in.

00:36:51 Tom

We need humble leaders.

00:36:54 Tom

Right, we need humble leaders who can hear what's going on.

00:36:59 Tom

Otherwise you just stick to your position and you get more and more polarized and that doesn't.

00:37:05 Tom

That doesn't do any good.

00:37:07 Justin

Man, that's that's really good.

00:37:09 Justin

Appreciate that.

00:37:12 Justin

You know, it seems like it's kind of hard to transition to a quick productivity hack, or you know, a shortcut when we're talking about something like being wise and going deep and all that.

00:37:21 Justin

But you know, we have to balance that, right?

00:37:23 Justin

We have to balance like being humble and wise.

00:37:26 Justin

And then you know, really thinking deeply about those things but also looking for what makes us more efficient, not just.

00:37:32 Justin

More effective, and so I think humility and wisdom are very effective.

00:37:37 Justin

What are some efficiency tips that are tricks or some things that you're like?

00:37:41 Justin

Man, I discovered this and this just really helped me to get more done in less time or help me to balance all the spinning plates.

00:37:48 Justin

What's what's a tool?

00:37:48 Justin

Tip or hack that you have?

00:37:50 Justin

That might be beneficial to our listeners.

00:37:53 Tom

Yeah, I talk about it and I call it the perfect start.

00:37:57 Tom

And and really, it's just how we start our day.

00:37:59 Tom

But I'm only going to talk about one piece.

00:38:03 Tom

Of how we start our day.

00:38:05 Tom

I was speaking.

00:38:07 Tom

And we had a Q&A in the in the and there's a guy in the Q&A and he raised his hand and he says, Tom.

00:38:14 Tom

I know there was a lot of things that made Zig Ziglar Zig Ziglar.

00:38:19 Tom

But what's the one thing?

00:38:21 Tom

That he did that, you believe, made him who we know him as right.

00:38:27 Tom

And so I said, you're right, there were a lot of things, but here's the one thing.

00:38:32 Tom

So for 40 years.

00:38:34 Tom

He would start his day, every day 2-3 hours a day.

00:38:38 Tom

Reading, listening to the top books on on performance and family and business.

00:38:47 Tom

Studying hours and hours in God's word, but he was listening with the motive and his motive.

00:38:52 Tom

Was to learn something new.

00:38:56 Tom

And then he would internalize it and simplify it so that he could share it with someone else for their benefit.

00:39:03 Tom

So his motive was to learn something new, to share with someone else for their benefit.

00:39:10 Tom

And so here's the hack.

00:39:11 Tom

What if every day?

00:39:14 Tom

At the start of the day.

00:39:16 Tom

You just took five or 10 minutes.

00:39:19 Tom

To learn something new.

00:39:23 Tom

And your goal was to internalize and simplify it.

00:39:27 Tom

And then you shared it with somebody else that day for their benefit.

00:39:32 Tom

Nice if you did that every day.

00:39:35 Tom

How much different of a person would you be at the end of the year?

00:39:39 Tom

And let me say it again, this is only going to take 5 or 10 minutes.

00:39:43 Tom

Well, wouldn't that require humility?

00:39:49 Tom

And lead to wisdom, because yes, that understanding that I don't know everything.

00:39:55 Tom

In a pure motive of helping someone else, you get transformed in the process.

00:40:02 Tom

So it's not enough just to read a book or do a devotional or listen to something motivational for you know while you're working out or 10 or 20 minutes.

00:40:12 Tom

I mean, that's.

00:40:12 Tom

That's great.

00:40:13 Tom

That's better than doing nothing.

00:40:14 Tom

But what if you just?

00:40:15 Tom

Tweak that just a little bit and you took the same time.

00:40:19 Tom

And you said.

00:40:21 Tom

Man, I'm gonna I'm gonna internalize that and then I'm going to text my best friend I'm going to share it in our company meeting.

00:40:28 Tom

I'm going to leave a voicemail to my high school mentor, right?

00:40:32 Tom

I'm gonna write.

00:40:33 Tom

I'm just gonna I'm going to share it with somebody else for their benefit.

00:40:37 Tom

What happens to you at the end of the year?

00:40:39 Tom

It's a it's just such.

00:40:40 Tom

So it's it's like what do they say?

00:40:43 Tom

If it's if it's it's.

00:40:44 Tom

If it's easy to do, it's easy not to do, yeah.

00:40:46 Justin

That's true we need.

00:40:48 Tom

But that's a ninja that's ninja level.

00:40:50 Tom

When you when you start taking five minutes and you start applying it that way.

00:40:55 Justin

Well, you're making me think of a quote in your book.

00:40:57 Justin

Choose to win that says the fastest way to success is to replace a bad habit with a good habit.

00:41:04 Justin

And if you combine that with this quote productivity hack here that you're.

00:41:08 Justin

You're mentioning that's one of the best habits that you could replace.

00:41:11 Justin

Let's say if you're starting out your day and within your first 60 to 90 minutes.

00:41:15 Justin

If you are getting on social media, if you're reading the news, if you're doing these things, that's probably a bad habit that if you would replace that with the good habit of what you're talking about.

00:41:28 Justin

You know, getting in God's word, reading books, filling your mind with something that's going to help you to grow in your personal or professional life.

00:41:36 Justin

He's replacing that bad habit with that.

00:41:38 Justin

Good habit is going to get you to success faster, and so that's that's really good.

00:41:42 Justin

And I think some people will go.

00:41:43 Justin

Yeah, that's that's obvious.

00:41:45 Justin

But again, to your point, it's so obvious or so easy, like why aren't we doing it?

00:41:49 Justin

But that's that's what it takes to do so that's fantastic there along the same lines as.

00:41:56 Justin

Tips want to think about tools like is there a certain tool that you feel like is indispensable for you and what you do and that you would recommend to people like hey, if you don't have this, then you're probably maybe working hard, but not as smart as you should.

00:42:12 Justin

What's a tool that you really like?

00:42:15 Tom

I love our performance planner and it's it's different.

00:42:18 Tom

It's not a it's not a journal, but people use it to journal.

00:42:22 Tom

It's not a calendar, but it has a calendar.

00:42:25 Tom

It's not an appointment book, but you can keep your appointments in it.

00:42:29 Tom

Really, what it is is it's a goal setting.

00:42:33 Tom

An achievement system.

00:42:36 Tom

If I were going to rename the performance planner, I'd probably rename it to how to get?

00:42:42 Tom

What you want?

00:42:43 Justin

Yeah, OK, very cool, it's.

00:42:45 Tom

Right and yeah.

00:42:48 Tom

And So what it is.

00:42:49 Tom

It's a.

00:42:49 Tom

It's a.

00:42:50 Tom

It's a it's a planner.

00:42:51 Tom

It's paper.

00:42:52 Tom

It's got one week spread over 2 pages.

00:42:54 Tom

You write your goals down at the top.

00:42:56 Tom

Your top four goals and every day you make progress towards those goals.

00:43:00 Justin

Taking those baby steps.

00:43:02 Tom

And and it's like 5 to 10 minutes a day.

00:43:05 Tom

Again, this is this is not a time consuming overwhelming.

00:43:11 Tom

Thing and and what's interesting, Justin, is that I read, or one of my friends told me of a survey.

00:43:17 Tom

Or is the study?

00:43:19 Tom

Only about 20%.

00:43:22 Tom

Of people really get inspired by goals?

00:43:26 Tom

80% are motivated by solving problems.

00:43:31 Tom

And so in our system, we call it the gold Digger goal.

00:43:35 Tom

Seven step goal setting system.

00:43:37 Tom

You can actually replace the title seven step goal setting system with the seven step problem solving system and the questions are exactly the same.

00:43:50 Tom

Right, so let's say you weighed 200 and your goal is to weigh 180. So you could say.

00:43:58 Tom

Uh, my goal is to weigh 180 pounds and you go to 7 steps. Well, you could flip it and say my problem is is I weigh 20 pounds too much.

00:44:10 Tom

And then you do the seven steps, right?

00:44:11 Tom

It's the same exact thing, but it's interesting how some people you know we're all created different.

00:44:18 Tom

Some people like achieving goals.

00:44:20 Tom

Other people like solving problems, but it's really the same path to get there.

00:44:24 Justin

Yeah, I'm there with you.

00:44:25 Justin

Well, you know in addition to what we do at the improver network, I also own an insurance agency and we run into that with our customers.

00:44:32 Justin

'cause you get some that their primary motivation is the fear of loss or the others.

00:44:37 Justin

It's more of the promise of gain, in other words, so getting instant savings now or what have you and some people are.

00:44:43 Justin

They're just wired differently, and so that makes a lot of sense, so that planner.

00:44:47 Justin

Is something that could be purchased I guess on the Zeagler website.

00:44:50 Justin

Then they could reach out to you guys to get it.

00:44:52 Justin

Or is that on other platforms as well?

00:44:54 Tom

It's at

00:44:56 Justin

OK Ziglar com great well as we kind of get ready to wrap up here.

00:45:00 Justin

Want to definitely transition into that equip people with things like those tools and you know see the books on your shelf back there and the two big ones that I can speak to for sure.

00:45:10 Justin

Or choose to win that we've been chatting about on this call and also see you at the top part of the reason.

00:45:16 Justin

I'm highlighting those is because I'm actually a choose to win and see you at the top certified coach through Ziegler and I love both of those books and both of those programs.

00:45:26 Justin

And we even hosted a workshop recently on choose to win, and so I'm available to do that for any listeners that want to discuss it.

00:45:34 Justin

In fact, our improver network members have a special access to some bonus content online related to choose to win, and so would really encourage our Members get access to that and.

00:45:45 Justin

That, but I want to ask you, Tom.

00:45:47 Justin

Other than those books, choose to win.

00:45:49 Justin

They see disruptive behind you.

00:45:51 Justin

I see you at the top born to win, which was a guy.

00:45:55 Justin

I guess the original on the winning book from Zig.

00:45:58 Justin

What other books and maybe even some non ziglar books as well.

00:46:02 Justin

Would you recommend to our listeners?

00:46:05 Tom

You bet, well, the the last book that I came out with is 10 leadership virtues for disruptive times, and it really speaks to how do we lead right now with all the change that's happened and one of the things that I hit on, and I think it's true, is that disruption.

00:46:23 Tom

Is only going to increase in intensity and frequency.

00:46:29 Tom

And so when we learn.

00:46:31 Tom

How to embrace disruption like as an individual?

00:46:34 Tom

As a leader, when I make disruption, my friend right?

00:46:37 Tom

Because what does disruption do?

00:46:39 Tom

Well, negative people say that disruption causes problems.

00:46:43 Tom

But as igler, I look at the opportunity and I said what is disruption cause opportunities?

00:46:47 Tom

More people need to be served.

00:46:50 Tom

And so when we get focused on solving people's problems and serving people, it's never been a better time than right now to do that.

00:46:58 Tom

And then when we have that mindset that it gives us an advantage, right?

00:47:01 Tom

Because most of the world isn't really excited about change and disruption.

00:47:05 Tom

In fact, they get paralyzed.

00:47:07 Tom

And so we.

00:47:08 Tom

Might have this fear set in about, you know, the great resignation or inflation, or even the R word recession.

00:47:17 Tom

Well, what that's doing is it's paralyzing your competition.

00:47:22 Tom

Which gives you more opportunity to go and serve.

00:47:25 Justin

So that book really is gonna it would help inspire people to think about that in a different way and and use what's seen as an obstacle will become an opportunity there.

00:47:34 Justin

OK, that's great.

00:47:35 Justin

What others?

00:47:37 Tom

So here's a A couple of books that are not Ziglar books that I love.

00:47:41 Tom

I love business secrets of the Bible by Rabbi Daniel Lapin, just a powerful book.

00:47:49 Tom

There's there's so many things that that we do, and when we serve others and we solve problems that have a spiritual connotation.

00:47:59 Tom

And so for everybody listening, if you've got a product or service that that solves a problem, you have a moral obligation to go and.

00:48:07 Tom

Sell it.

00:48:08 Tom

I mean.

00:48:09 Tom

Rabbi Lapin says this that the creator of the universe.

00:48:14 Tom

Is never happier with his children than when they're solving the problems of his other children.

00:48:22 Tom

And so if you do something that solves a problem of one of God's children, then the creator smiles when you do that.

00:48:30 Tom

I mean, that's a pretty powerful right?

00:48:33 Tom

Two books by Bob Bodine.

00:48:35 Tom

I love.

00:48:35 Tom

I love the power of who and two chairs, which are great.

00:48:39 Tom

So who is about, you know?

00:48:41 Tom

How do we develop?

00:48:42 Tom

Friends and and an inner circle.

00:48:44 Tom

And how do we build on relationships that that book says we already have every.

00:48:49 Tom

Relationship we need to go where God wants.

00:48:52 Tom

Us to go.

00:48:54 Tom

We just haven't developed them and then two chairs.

00:48:58 Tom

Boy, what a season for two chairs and that's basically talking about a conversation where every morning you get up you have two chairs, one for you and one for God.

00:49:08 Tom

And you ask God three questions, God.

00:49:12 Tom

Do you know what's going on?

00:49:15 Tom

Well God yeah OK God second question, are you big enough to hand?

00:49:20 Justin

Thanks Sir.

00:49:20 Tom

Well, yeah and the third question is OK, what's the plan?

00:49:25 Tom

And this is where we just be quiet.

00:49:27 Tom

We just listen, right?

00:49:28 Tom

We get the downloads.

00:49:29 Tom

So and when I talk about noise, some of the noise is of our own creation, right?

00:49:35 Tom

We we think we got to be doing and reading and checking this off the list.

00:49:39 Tom

Sometimes we just got to sit back and say OK God what are you telling me now?

00:49:44 Tom

We just got to listen.

00:49:45 Tom

And wait.

00:49:46 Justin

Yeah man, that's wonderful.

00:49:48 Justin

Appreciate those recommendations there.

00:49:50 Justin

And if you aren't familiar, don't already have those books.

00:49:53 Justin

Want to encourage you to go grab those and start that new habit we were talking?

00:49:56 Justin

About earlier there.

00:49:58 Justin

Well, this is maybe a I question for you, but what's one question you wish I'd asked you that I didn't or something that you would have liked to have talked about and maybe.

00:50:07 Justin

How would you have, uh, how would you have answered that?

00:50:11 Tom

Yeah, you should have asked me, you know what are the three biggest challenges going on in Business Today?

00:50:16 Justin

Yeah yeah, can you give a quick bullet point on those three?

00:50:20 Justin

Do you got those top three?

00:50:21 Justin

That right?

00:50:22 Justin

On the surface.

00:50:23 Tom

Yes I do.

00:50:24 Tom

Do, uh, well the the.

00:50:27 Tom

There was a survey done by Job Sage 2000. People were asked the question, 28% of them had quit their job.

00:50:37 Tom

In the last two years, for mental health reasons.

00:50:40 Tom

One in four people.

00:50:42 Tom

And so if you're listening, think about all the people you know.

00:50:45 Tom

Is that ring true?

00:50:47 Tom

So then they asked those people, well, what was the contributing factor?

00:50:51 Tom

That you quit your job.

00:50:54 Tom

And they had multiple things they could choose. 55% of them said stress and.

00:50:59 Tom

Burnout is widely quit.

00:51:01 Tom

38% said depression.

00:51:04 Tom

37% said lack of motivation.

00:51:08 Tom

And so look at this at Ziglar.

00:51:10 Tom

We look at the antidote and This is why I choose to win is so powerful because it works as a business leader to your team.

00:51:17 Tom

It works coaching an individual.

00:51:20 Tom

It works as an individual trying to improve your own life.

00:51:23 Tom

So what's the antidote to stress and burnout?

00:51:26 Tom

It's quality of life.

00:51:28 Tom

If the seven areas of your life are doing well, you're not going to get stressed.

00:51:32 Tom

In burnout, you might have hard times and busy seasons, but physically, mentally, spiritually, financially.

00:51:38 Tom

Personally relationally, if you're doing great, the business stuff will take care of itself.

00:51:44 Tom

The second is they quit because of depression.

00:51:47 Tom

So what's the antidote purpose?

00:51:51 Tom

If we know what our purpose is.

00:51:53 Tom

Right, we've got a clearly defined purpose and we're moving towards it.

00:51:58 Tom

Happiness is the byproduct of the pursuit of your purpose.

00:52:02 Tom

And so what's the antidote to depression? It's pursuing your purpose, and the third one is lack of motivation. 37% said that, what's the antidote?

00:52:11 Tom

It's growth.

00:52:12 Tom

If I'm growing towards my goals towards my why towards my dream towards my purpose?

00:52:18 Tom

If I'm growing every day?

00:52:21 Tom

Then that internal motivation starts to build.

00:52:24 Tom

Now imagine this, you're growing every day towards a purpose, and you have balanced life.

00:52:31 Tom

That's what we're talking about, so I love it when a big study like that shows that what we teach and choose to win and see at the top is exactly the.

00:52:40 Justin

That that is wonderful.

00:52:42 Justin

I need to actually get with you and find a link to that.

00:52:45 Justin

If you could send that over to me or something, I would love to have access to that information.

00:52:49 Justin

'cause as we talked about before, we jumped on the podcast today.

00:52:53 Justin

You know part of what we're trying to do at the improve our network is help people to reach their potential.

00:52:57 Justin

And in part the way we do that is helping people discover their.

00:53:00 Justin

Purpose and become more productive.

00:53:02 Justin

And so which you know, we use word productive.

00:53:04 Justin

You're using the word growth, but you know it's all about progress towards your goals.

00:53:09 Justin

So man, that is just a very affirming to what we're doing here at the improver network.

00:53:15 Justin

So man, thank you for speaking that.

00:53:19 Justin

Well, for the listeners who want to continue to stay connected with you after this podcast, or maybe find out more about Zigler.

00:53:26 Justin

Again, I'm a Ziegler coach.

00:53:27 Justin

Maybe they want to know about coaching.

00:53:29 Justin

How would they stay connected with you?

00:53:31 Justin

Find out more information.

00:53:33 Justin

What where would you direct them?

00:53:35 Tom

Yeah, there's two ways. First is Ziglar. Com, That's where we have all of our information and and then if you could e-mail me directly, Tom at and just say hey, I urge you on the on the on the show with Justin and is he the real deal and I'll tell.

00:53:53 Tom

You the truth.

00:53:55 Tom


00:53:56 Tom

And that is if you can't get ahold of Justin, so that's who you really should call on this, but I'd be happy to to answer any emails that.

00:54:02 Tom

Come in for sure.

00:54:04 Justin

Well, that is wonderful, and I know we've been mentioning that used to win book.

00:54:07 Justin

I want to do something I didn't plan on, but I've got a copy here of choose when in fact I got a couple extra copies 'cause we did the workshop a few weeks ago and we had a few.

00:54:15 Justin

You left over, and so if you're listening to this podcast and you would like a copy of choose to win, I'm going to earmark a couple of you out there.

00:54:24 Justin

Just send us an e-mail to support at improver dot network support at improver dot network and we're going to gift you one of these books that we have here, and so we'll we'll set some of those aside, but.

00:54:36 Justin

For the rest of you, if you want to go to Ziglar.

00:54:38 Justin

COM and purchase books there and also that planner, you can get information.

00:54:43 Justin

About Ziglar there, but man Tom, this was fantastic.

00:54:47 Justin

I really love hearing some of your stories and just so encouraging and the mind is a battleground and I always appreciate it when able to get around people like you who just speak life and speak truth in an encouraging way and can tell your authenticity.

00:55:04 Justin

There and that you really care and so may all that means so much, and I appreciate you taking time to speak to our listeners and our network today, and hopefully we can do this again in the future.

00:55:14 Tom

Sounds good, I appreciate you having me on.

00:55:16 Justin

Alright, thanks Tom, we'll catch you later.

Choose to Win - Interview w/Tom Ziglar
Broadcast by