Soul Care - Interview w/Darin Hollingsworth

In today's episode, we interview Darin Hollingsworth on the topic of soul care.  Darin, a former pastor, shares the importance of soul care and the impact it has on leaders. 
  • Personal stories and background from Darin
  • Experiences from his time in ministry, including trying to lead from an empty tank
  • Routines & rythms of soul care 
  • Practical ways to recharge 
Resources referenced:
Podcast: That Sounds Fun podcast: Episode 388 John Eldridge + Resilient
Source: Barna Research on pastors -
Source: CNBC poll:
Book: At Your Best by Cary Nieuwhof
Tool: 1st step resources for developing a soul care rhythm and mindset:  One Minute Pause App & Lectio 365 App
Book: Soul Keeping book John Ortberg/Dallas Willard
Person: Justin Winstead, The Improver Coach
Company: Improver Network

Soul Care - Interview w/Darin Hollingsworth
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